Although I, like many others, enjoy making pictures randomly of street scenes, it is vogue to create projects or themes. To give context, I have grouped some of my shots together to provide a more coherent collection of images.

Light and Colour

Street Art Photography
Street Art Photography


This was taken at London Bridge with a Leica DLux5 set on auto. There was not a lot of light available hence the grainy look from the high iso selected by the camera. All in all I like the juxtaposition between the two elements. Kylie in the sunshine whilst the pedestrian battles against the elements toward a sign directing pedestrians in the opposite direction. 

Who is looking at who

This juxtaposition presented itself at London Bridge station. The steel seats are a 'Nike' tick and being used by someone who could probably afford Nike trainers and someone who probably couldn't


These pictures have the theme 'backs',



An accommodating chap I met walking through docklands

This was taken with my GX9 in Trafalgar Square during the Extinction Rebellion demonstrations. Zoom in on the gentleman's newspaper headline which seemed ironic to me.

I wondered if these two were emailing each other


On the street, This is Lloyd, Jimmy and Troy in Maidstone






I framed this shot incorrectly. This is about the umbrellas and the stall matching colours. I needed to get more of the stall canopy In the picture. 

The colour purple